"appTitle": "UC Control Hub",
"name": "UC Control Hub",
"customTranslations": false,
"templateName": "B2B_services",
"ui_id": "roger",
"backendUrl": "https://apio1-uat.bxl.netaxis.be",
"apiVersion": "api/v01",
"proxyName": "p1",
"showMobileBGImage": true,
"showWelcomeModal": false,
"welcomeMessages": {
"en": "Welcome to the new UC Control Hub portal",
"fr": "Bienvenue sur le nouveau portail UC Control Hub",
"nl": "Welkom op het nieuw UC Control Hub portal"
"authentication": {
"webseal": false,
"customLogOut": {
"enabled": false,
"route": "/forgot-password"
"login": { // Think configuration element allows you to control the links on the bottom of the login page.
"links": [
"label": "loginLink1",
"destination": "/#",
"imgRoute": "",
"imgName": ""
"label": "loginLink2",
"destination": "https://www.webex.com/downloads.html",
"imgRoute": "/branding/default/img/login-img-link-2.png",
"imgName": "login-img-link-2"
"label": "loginLink3",
"destination": "/#",
"imgRoute": "",
"imgName": ""
"modes": { // This elemet allows to configure login modes for different types of users.
"endUser": {
"normalLogin": true
"admin": {
"normalLogin": false,
"sso": [
"name": "Google",
"icon": "/common_images/login/google.svg",
"mode": "oidc",
"state": "https://uc-25.bxl.netaxis.be/sso"
"name": "Netaxis",
"icon": "/common_images/login/netaxis.svg",
"mode": "saml",
"state": "https://uc-25.bxl.netaxis.be/sso"
"ivr": { // IVR configuration
"phoneNumberMandatory": false, //Is phone number mandatory when creating an IVR
"canEditPhonenumber": true, //Controls if phone number for IVR can be changed
"canEditName": true, //Controls if IVR name can be changed
"allowed_actions": [ //Defines a list of actions allowed when building IVR menus.
"action": "Go To Submenu",
"action_type": "submenu"
"action": "Transfer To Operator",
"action_type": "number"
"action": "Transfer To Number With Prompt",
"action_type": "number"
"action": "Transfer To Number",
"action_type": "number"
"action": "Play Announcement",
"action_type": "announcement"
"action": "Repeat Menu"
"action": "Exit"
"action": "Back To Parent Menu"
"submenusTemplateKeys": [
"action": "Exit",
"description": "Exit",
"key": "*",
"parameter": ""
"languages": [ // Configuration elements defining langauges that can be used on the portal.
"value": "en",
"name": "English",
"shortName": "EN"
"modules": { // Control what modles are enabled on the portal. Note that those modules need to be configured to work.
"nims": false,
"ldap_synchronization": false,
"nemo": true,
"npact": true,
"msteams": true
"users": { // Controls actions posssible on users or by users.
"phoneNumberMandatory": false, // Is phonenumber mandatory for user creation.
"idBasedOnPhoneNumber": false,
"canEditPhonenumber": true, // Can user phone numbere be changed
"emailMandatory": false,
"showAddInEmergencyHG": false,
"departmentMandatory": false,
"licenseMandatory": false,
"tenantBulkTemplateExcelName": "tenant_bulk_template.xlsx",
"groupBulkTemplateExcelName": "bulk_template.xlsx",
"canEditLicenses": true,
"canAddUser": true, //Can admins add users using selfcare portal
"canDeleteUser": true, //Can admis delete users using selfcare portal
"showBulkUpdates": true,
"showOutgoingCli": true
"huntgroups": { //Controls huntgroup functionality.
"phoneNumberMandatory": false,
"canEditPhonenumber": true,
"canEditName": true
"callQueues": { //Controls callQueues (Call Center Basic) functionality.
"phoneNumberMandatory": false,
"canEditPhonenumber": true,
"canEditName": true
"callCenters": { //Controls Call Center Standard functionality.
"phoneNumberMandatory": false,
"canEditPhonenumber": true,
"canEditName": true
"callCentersPremium": { //Controls Call Center Premium functionality.
"phoneNumberMandatory": false,
"canEditPhonenumber": true,
"canEditName": true
"trunking": { //Trunking service configuration of the portal.
"enabled": true,
"authentication": "mandatory",
"access_data": [
"name": "primaryAddress",
"description": "primaryIPAddress_descr",
"type": "String",
"mandatory": true
"name": "secondaryAddress",
"description": "secondIPAddress_descr",
"type": "String",
"mandatory": false
"name": "primaryPort",
"description": "primaryPort_descr",
"type": "Integer",
"mandatory": false
"name": "secondaryPort",
"description": "secondaryPort_descr",
"type": "Integer",
"mandatory": false
"noAuthentication_accessInfo": "mandatory",
"authentication_accessInfo": "mandatory",
"canAddTrunks": true,
"canDeleteTrunks": true,
"canAddDID": true,
"canDeleteDID": true
"deviceManagement": { // Device management functionalities
"showResetButton": false,
"showRebootButton": true,
"showEditButton": false,
"showAddButton": true, /
"showDeleteButton": true
"tenantLicenses": {
"userLicenses": {
"enabled": true,
"showLimits": true
"otherLicenses": {
"enabled": true,
"showLimits": true
"numberEntitlements": {
"showLimits": true
"groupLicenses": {
"userLicenses": {
"enabled": true,
"showEditButton": true,
"showLimits": true
"otherLicenses": {
"enabled": true,
"showEditButton": true,
"showLimits": true
"licenseDefinition": {
"groupServices": [
"Auto Attendant",
"Auto Attendant - Standard",
"Call Pickup",
"Hunt Group"
"userServices": ["Anonymous Call Rejection", "Call Forwarding Busy"]
"tenantGroups": { //Controls group managment on tenant level.
"showAddButton": true, //Can groups be createed using self-care portal
"showDeleteButton": true, //Can groups be deleted using self-care portal
"addGroupWizard": { //Group wizard settings.
"showUserLicensesStep": true,
"showOtherLicensesStep": true,
"showTrunkingLicensesStep": false
"addDeviceOptions": {
"existingDevice": true,
"newDevice": true,
"noDevice": true
"webexDownloadLink": "https://www.webex.com/downloads.html",
"supportWebexLink": "https://www.webex.com/%LANG%/downloads.html",
"defaultLng": "en", //Default portal language, for users that have not language set in broadworks.
"useLocaleInUserProfile": true,
"showLogoutChangePassword": true,
"showHelp": true,
"advancedMode_defaultValue": { //Controls default values of advance mode on portal pages.
"admin": false,
"tenant_admin": false,
"group_admin": false,
"user": true
"responseGroupSizeLimit": 100,
"currency": "EUR", //Currency to be used oon the portal for displaying finantial data
"NumberActivationGroup": false, // Enable/disablee broadworks number activation feature on the portal
"nemoCdrsPageSize": 20, // Number of CDRs to be rendered per page.
"serviceProviderGroupDetails": {
"contactInformationMandaotry": false,
"addressInformationMandaotry": false
"enterpriseDetails": {
"contactInformationMandaotry": false,
"addressInformationMandaotry": false
"IncludeWebexTenantProfile": true,
"IncludeWebexGroupProfile": true,
"customLoginSSOLink": "https://uc-25.bxl.netaxis.be/sso",
"showFAQ": true, // Controls if FAQ link is show on portal pages.
"FAQLinks": { // FAQ links configuration
"en": {
"admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"tenant_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"group_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"user": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html"
"fr": {
"admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"tenant_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"group_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"user": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html"
"nl": {
"admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"tenant_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"group_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"user": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html"
"ar": {
"admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"tenant_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"group_admin": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html",
"user": "https://www.netaxis.be/help.html"
"requestsTimestemp": {
"configPhoneTypes": 300000,
"analyticsTables": 300000,
"analyticsStats": 300000,
"systemServicesCallRecordingPlatforms": 300000,
"configsServicePacks": 300000,
"configsVirtualServicePacks": 300000,
"configsUserServices": 300000
"voicemailConfirmationModal": false, // Controls if confirmation modal should be show when sitching of voicemail service.
"webexDirectorySynchro": false, // Enable or disable webex synchronization button on the portal
"isResetPinCode": true,
"msteamsMode": { "direct_routing": true, "operator_connect": false }, //msteams modulee config settings.
"cloudConnection": {
"canAddCloudConnection": false
"customTemplates": false,
"voiceMail": {
"settings": {
"defaultMaximumTranscribeEmails": 5
"forbiddenExtensions": [],
"landingPage": {
"group": {
"login": "groupBasic",
"list": "groupInfo",
"search": "groupDetail"
"loginPage": {
"showLoginTooltip": true
"useNavigatorLanguage": true,
"useFullNavigatorLanguageCode": false,
"checkAudioFileSize": true