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This document describes the statistics available in the self-care portal and provides an overview of how they are computed by the backend service, Nemo.

Calls Handling and CDR Genaration

When the Application Server (AS) processes a call, it generates one or more Call Detail Records (CDRs) based on the characteristics of the calling and called parties. If both parties are on-net users (i.e., hosted users), the originating services of the calling party, such as line presentation services, and the terminating services of the called party, such as call forwarding services, are applied. This results in the creation of an originating CDR for the calling party and a terminating CDR for the called party. In the case of a standard on-net call between two regular users, two CDRs are produced. These CDRs contain crucial information, including user numbers, call start times, durations, release causes, and more.

In more intricate scenarios, such as interactions with IVR/auto-attendants or call centers, the application server may generate additional CDRs with varying start times and durations.

The examples below illustrate some call scenarios handled by the application server.

On-net caller to on-net callee

Off-net caller to on-net callee

On-net caller to off-net callee

While not exhaustive in covering all conceivable call scenarios, the following list provides examples of relatively complex call scenarios accompanied by a corresponding set of generated CDRs. This compilation aims to illustrate the mechanisms employed by the AS in CDR generation.

  • Call from user A to user B who has a call forwarding unconditional to user C:
    • Originating CDR for user A to B
    • Terminating CDR for user B from A
    • Originating CDR for user B to C
    • Terminating CDR for user C from B
  • Call from user A to user B who does not answer and the call is redirected to an external voicemail system (VMS):
    • Originating CDR for user A to B
    • Terminating CDR for user B from A
    • Originating CDR for user B to VMS
  • Call from an external network N to call-center CC who hunts agents A1 & A2:
    • Terminating CDR for CC from N
    • Originating CDR for CC to A1
    • Originating CDR for CC to A2
    • Terminating CDR for A1 from CC
    • Terminating CDR for A2 from CC

Statistics Types

The statistics backend computes two different types of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Enterprise-level or group-level KPIs, where the aggregation level is either the enterprise or the group.
  • User-level KPIs, where the aggregation level is the user identity.

The first type of KPIs is showcased on the portal's statistics overview pages, while the second type is presented on the user page or the call-center pages, depending on the type of user for which the statistics are computed. On these pages, they are displayed in tabular format.

Enterprise/Group Key Performance Indicators

To present an accurate representation of enterprise/group activity, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are formulated to selectively exclude certain calls rather than encompass all calls in their calculations. The primary goal is to concentrate on first-class calls, offering a more realistic insight into ongoing call activity. Specifically, this approach aims to:

  1. Avoid counting calls reaching a call-center agent as answered.
  2. Prevent the inclusion of calls resulting from redirection in calculations as calls originating from the enterprise/group.
  3. Exclude calls from call-center to agents and calls from unavailable users to voicemail from being categorized as redirected calls.
  4. Eliminate the counting of calls from the call-center to agents as unanswered calls.
  5. Refrain from tallying calls from the call-center to agents as terminating calls.

The table below delineates the standard KPIs computed by the backend system.

sum_term_calls_answered_locallySum of terminating calls answered directly by the callee and which are not the redirected from a call-center
sum_orig_callsSum of originating calls which are not the result of a redirection
sum_orig_calls_deflectedSum of calls originated due to a redirection different than call-center and voicemail
sum_term_calls_answered_remotelySum of terminating calls not answered by the callee but after redirection to another party
sum_term_calls_not_answeredSum of terminating calls not answered and which are not redirected from a call-center
sum_term_callsSum of terminating calls which are not redirected from a call-center
sum_orig_calls_connectedSum of originiating calls effectively connected (disconnect time after connect time)
sum_orig_calls_vmsSum of originating calls due to a redirection to voicemail
sum_conn_orig_callsSum of the durations of the calls originated, but not redirected (from call answer to call end)
sum_dur_callsSum of the durations of all calls (from call setup to call end)
sum_conn_callsSum of the durations of all calls (from call answer to call end)
sum_callsSum of all calls
sum_calls_connectedSum of all calls connected
sum_orig_calls_redirected_answered1Sum of originating calls redirected and answered
sum_orig_calls_redirected_not_answered1Sum of originating calls redirected and not answered
sum_orig_calls_followme_answered1Sum of originating calls redirected with reason 'follow-me' and answered
sum_orig_calls_followme_not_answered1Sum of originating calls redirected with reason 'follow-me' and not answered

1 These KPIs were added in Nemo 4.1.11+ (June 2024)

From these base KPIs, more elaborated KPIs are exposed as such:

all_callssum_term_calls + sum_orig_callsAll calls
orig_calls_percsum_orig_calls / (sum_term_calls + sum_orig_calls)Originating calls percentage
orig_calls_deflected_percsum_orig_calls_deflected / sum_term_callsOriginating calls redirected percentage
orig_calls_vms_percsum_orig_calls_vms / icm_sum_term_callsCalls redirected to voicemail percentage
term_calls_percicm_sum_term_calls / (icm_sum_term_calls + ecm_sum_orig_calls)Terminating calls percentage
term_calls_answeredicm_sum_term_calls - (icm_sum_term_calls_not_answered + ecm_sum_orig_calls_vms)Terminating calls answered
term_calls_answered_perc(icm_sum_term_calls - (icm_sum_term_calls_not_answered + ecm_sum_orig_calls_vms)) / icm_sum_term_callsTerminating calls answered percentage
term_calls_missedicm_sum_term_calls_not_answered + ecm_sum_orig_calls_vmsTerminating calls missed
term_calls_missed_perc(icm_sum_term_calls_not_answered + ecm_sum_orig_calls_vms) / icm_sum_term_callsTerminating calls missed percentage
term_calls_not_answered_percicm_sum_term_calls_not_answered / icm_sum_term_callsTerminating calls not answered percentage
term_calls_answered_locally_percicm_sum_term_calls_answered_locally / icm_sum_term_callsTerminating calls answered locally percentage
term_calls_not_answered_locallyicm_sum_term_calls - icm_sum_term_calls_answered_locallyTerminating calls not answered locally
term_calls_not_answered_locally_perc(icm_sum_term_calls - icm_sum_term_calls_answered_locally) / icm_sum_term_callsTerminating calls not answered locally percentage
term_calls_answered_remotely_percicm_sum_term_calls_answered_remotely / icm_sum_term_callsTerminating calls answered remotely percentage
term_calls_answered_locally_exc_followme1sum_term_calls_answered_locally - sum_orig_calls_followme_answeredTerminating calls answered locally, ignoring secondary line answer
term_calls_answered_locally_exc_followme_perc1(sum_term_calls_answered_locally - sum_orig_calls_followme_answered) / sum_term_callsTerminating calls answered locally, ignoring secondary line answer percentage
orig_calls_redirected_answered_perc1sum_orig_calls_redirected_answered / sum_term_callsOriginating calls redirected and answered percentage
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered_perc1sum_orig_calls_redirected_not_answered / sum_term_callsOriginating calls redirected and not answered percentage
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered_exc_followme1sum_orig_calls_redirected_not_answered - sum_orig_calls_followme_not_answeredTerminaing calls redirected and not answered, ignoring secondary line no answer
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered_exc_followme_perc1(sum_orig_calls_redirected_not_answered - sum_orig_calls_followme_not_answered) / sum_term_callsTerminating calls answered locally, ignoring secondary line no answer percentage

1 These KPIs were added in Nemo 4.1.11+ (June 2024)

User Key Performance Indicators


These KPIs apply to both user and call-center pages, but some are meaningful only for one or the other type.

orig_callsOriginating calls which are not the result of a redirection
orig_calls_deflectedOriginating calls originated due to a redirection different than call-center and voicemail
orig_calls_deflected_answeredOriginating calls deflected and answered
orig_calls_vmsOriginating calls to VMS, resulting from a redirection
term_callsTerminating calls, excluding call-center redirections
term_calls_answered_locallyTerminating calls answered directly by the callee and which are not redirected from a call-center
term_calls_answered_remotelyTerminating calls not answered by the callee but after redirection to another party, excluding call-center redirections
term_calls_not_answeredTerminating calls not answered and which are not redirected from a call-center
term_calls_from_ccTerminating calls resulting from a call-center redirection
term_calls_from_cc_answeredTerminating calls resulting from a call-center redirection and answered
term_calls_busyTerminating calls with termination cause busy, excluding call-center redirections
conn_orig_calls_redirected_cc_answeredDurations of originating calls redirected from call-center (from call answer to call end)
orig_calls_redirected_cc_answeredOriginating calls from call-center answered locally
conn_orig_callsDurations of originating calls not resulting from a redirection (from call answer to call end)
conn_orig_calls_deflectedDurations for originating calls deflected (from call answer to call end)
conn_term_calls_answered_locallyConnection durations of terminating calls answered locally (from call answer to call end)
ring_orig_calls_redirected_cc_answeredRinging durations of originating calls redirected from call-center answered (from call setup to call answer)
dur_orig_calls_redirected_ccDurations of originating calls redirected from call-center (from call setup to call end)
dur_term_callsDurations for originating calls (from call setup to call end)
orig_calls_redirected_answered1Originating calls redirected and answered
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered1Originating calls redirected and not answered
orig_calls_followme_answered1Originating calls redirected with reason 'follow-me' and answered
orig_calls_followme_not_answered1Originating calls redirected with reason 'follow-me' and not answered

1 These KPIs were added in Nemo 4.1.11+ (June 2024)

From these base KPIs, more elaborated KPIs are also exposed:

all_callsterm_calls + orig_callsAll calls
avg_agent_ring_timering_orig_calls_redirected_cc_answered / orig_calls_redirected_cc_answeredAverage agent ringing time
avg_agent_waiting_time(dur_term_calls - conn_orig_calls_redirected_cc_answered) / term_callsAverage agent waiting time
avg_conn_all_callsconn_orig_calls + conn_term_calls_answered_locally) / (orig_calls + term_calls_answered_locally)All calls average connection duration
avg_conn_orig_callsconn_orig_calls / orig_callsOriginating calls average connection duration
avg_conn_term_calls_answered_locallyconn_term_calls_answered_locally / term_calls_answered_locallyTerminating calls average connection duration
conn_all_callsconn_orig_calls + conn_term_calls_answered_locallyAll calls total connection duration
orig_calls_deflected_answered_percorig_calls_deflected_answered / term_callsOriginating calls redirected percentage
orig_calls_percorig_calls / (term_calls + orig_calls)Originating calls percentage
orig_calls_vms_percorig_calls_vms / term_callsRedirections to VMS percentage
overflowed_calls_percorig_calls_deflected / term_callsRedirected calls percentage
queue_timedur_term_calls - conn_orig_calls_redirected_cc_answeredCall-center queue time (agent waiting duration)
term_calls_answeredterm_calls - (term_calls_not_answered + orig_calls_vms)Terminating calls answered, excluding voicemail
term_calls_answered_perc(term_calls - (term_calls_not_answered + orig_calls_vms)) / term_callsTerminating calls answered, excluding voicemail percentage
term_calls_answered_exc_overflow_percorig_calls_redirected_cc_answered / term_callsCall-center calls answered percentage
term_calls_answered_locally_percterm_calls_answered_locally / term_callsterminating calls answered locally percentage
term_calls_deflected_percorig_calls_deflected / term_callsOriginating calls originated due to a redirection different than call-center and voicemail percentage
term_calls_exc_deflection_answeredterm_calls - orig_calls_deflected_answeredTerminating calls not overflowed
term_calls_exc_deflection_answered_perc(term_calls - orig_calls_deflected_answered) / term_callsTerminating calls not overflowed percentage
term_calls_from_cc_answered_percterm_calls_from_cc_answered / term_calls_from_ccTerminating calls from a call-center answered percentage
term_calls_missedterm_calls_not_answered + orig_calls_vmsTerminating calls missed (including voicemail)
term_calls_missed_percterm_calls_not_answered + orig_calls_vms) / term_callsTerminating calls missed (including voicemail) percentage
term_calls_not_answered_locallyterm_calls - term_calls_answered_locallyTerminating calls answered locally, excluding call-center originated redirections
term_calls_not_answered_locally_percterm_calls - term_calls_answered_locally) / term_callsTerminating calls answered locally, excluding call-center originated redirections percentage
term_calls_not_answered_percterm_calls_not_answered / term_callsTerminating calls not answered, excluding call-center originated redirections
term_calls_percterm_calls / (term_calls + orig_calls)Terminating calls percentage
term_calls_unanswered_inc_overflowterm_calls - orig_calls_redirected_cc_answeredTerminating calls to call-center not answered or overflowed
term_calls_unanswered_inc_overflow_percterm_calls - orig_calls_redirected_cc_answered) / term_callsTerminating calls to call-center not answered or overflowed percentage
term_calls_answered_locally_exc_followme1term_calls_answered_locally - orig_calls_followme_answeredTerminating calls answered locally, ignoring secondary line answer
term_calls_answered_locally_exc_followme_perc1(term_calls_answered_locally - orig_calls_followme_answered) / term_callsTerminating calls answered locally, ignoring secondary line answer percentage
orig_calls_redirected_answered_perc1orig_calls_redirected_answered / term_callsOriginating calls redirected and answered percentage
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered_perc1orig_calls_redirected_not_answered / term_callsOriginating calls redirected and not answered percentage
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered_exc_followme1orig_calls_redirected_not_answered - orig_calls_followme_not_answeredTerminaing calls redirected and not answered, ignoring secondary line no answer
orig_calls_redirected_not_answered_exc_followme_perc1(orig_calls_redirected_not_answered - orig_calls_followme_not_answered) / term_callsTerminating calls answered locally, ignoring secondary line no answer percentage

1 These KPIs were added in Nemo 4.1.11+ (June 2024)

This is an example column layout configuration on the portal for the users table:

  • Calls:
    • all_calls
    • orig_calls, orig_calls_perc
    • term_calls, term_calls_perc
  • Terminating calls:
    • term_calls_answered, term_calls_answered_perc
    • term_calls_missed, term_calls_missed_perc
    • orig_calls_vms, orig_calls_vms_perc
    • orig_calls_deflected, orig_calls_deflected_perc
  • Total seconds called:
    • conn_all_calls
    • conn_orig_calls
    • conn_term_calls_answered_locally
  • Average call duration:
    • avg_conn_all_calls
    • avg_conn_orig_calls
    • avg_conn_term_calls_answered_locally
  • Call center agent calls:
    • term_calls_from_cc
    • term_calls_from_cc_answered, term_calls_from_cc_answered_perc

Advanced Filtering

While the Call Detail Record (CDR) itself does not contain information about the line type, which is necessary to distinguish between user, auto-attendant, and call-center calls, the backend can enhance CDR data. This augmentation involves incorporating line type information obtained from the Application Server (AS) through the provisioning gateway.

In addition to the statistics presented in the previous chapter, the data can be further filtered by line type or call type. Line type refers to the user line category, such as call-center, auto-attendant, or user line. Call type distinguishes between internal and external calls to or from the company. Therefore, three filters are available: network (for off-net originations or terminations), enterprise (for calls within the enterprise but between different groups), and group (for calls between users of the same group).

The line type filter is exclusively available on the enterprise/group KPI pages, while the call type filter is accessible on both the enterprise/group KPI pages and the user/auto-attendant/call-center tabular pages.


It is crucial to emphasize that this filtering takes place after the existing built-in call statistics filtering. Consequently, if call-center calls have already been excluded during the computation of the base Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as sum_term_calls_answered_locally, choosing call-center as the line type will not incorporate these calls into the KPIs. The same logic applies to the other filters.


In addition to the key Performance Indicators (KPIs) presented in the previous chapters, the portal also features graphs illustrating the network usage of the platform on a per-enterprise or per-group basis. It is important to note that, while the KPIs aim to provide a realistic view of service usage from the user perspective, the graphs themselves consider all Call Detail Record (CDR) data unfiltered. Therefore, they correspond more closely to the network view of the calls.

The following chapters enumerate the various types of graphs available.


Minutes of UsageThis chart describes the total duration of calls in minutes, hourly or daily, depending on the window of time selected.Time-basedMinutes
Calls Count over TimeThis chart shows the number of calls per hour or per day.Time-basedNumber of calls
Traffic IntensityThis chart illustrates the number of voice channels busy.Time-basedErlangs
Maximum Simultaneous CallsThis chart shows a measurement of the maximum number of concurrent channels busy.Time-basedNumber of voice channels
Call RateThis chart illustrates the number of call setup attempts (successful or failed) per second.Time-basedCalls/second

Call Durations

Connection Phase Duration DistributionThe connection phase is the period of time between the moment the call is answered (connected) and the moment the call is released (disconnected). This chart represents the distribution of these durations. Each bar represents the percentage of calls (vertical axis) which have a specific duration (horizontal axis).HistogramProportion (%)
Average Connection Phase DurationThis chart illustrates the evolution of the average calls connection duration over time.Time-basedSeconds
Alerting Phase Duration DistributionThe alerting (ringing) phase is the period of time between the moment the call is initiated (setup) and the moment the call is answered (connected). This chart represents the distribution of these durations. Each bar represents the percentage of calls (vertical axis) which have a specific duration (horizontal axis).HistogramProportion (%)
Average Alerting Phase DurationThis chart illustrates the evolution of the average calls alerting phase duration over time.Time-basedSeconds

Caller and Callee Distribution

The charts listed in the table below exist for each combination of:

  • direction: ingress or egress
  • party: calling party number (caller) or called party number (callee)
  • metric type: volume (number of minutes) or count (number of calls)

From the base 3 types of charts: National vs International, National and International breakdowns, 24 different charts are available.

Ingress Callee Distribution: International (Count)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Callee Distribution: International (Volume)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Callee Distribution: National (Count)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Callee Distribution: National (Volume)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Callee Distribution: National vs International (Count)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Callee Distribution: National vs International (Volume)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Caller Distribution: International (Count)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Caller Distribution: International (Volume)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Caller Distribution: National (Count)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Caller Distribution: National (Volume)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Caller Distribution: National vs International (Count)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Ingress Caller Distribution: National vs International (Volume)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Egress Callee Distribution: International (Count)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Egress Callee Distribution: International (Volume)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Egress Callee Distribution: National (Count)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Egress Callee Distribution: National (Volume)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Egress Callee Distribution: National vs International (Count)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Egress Callee Distribution: National vs International (Volume)This chart illustrates the called party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Egress Caller Distribution: International (Count)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Egress Caller Distribution: International (Volume)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Egress Caller Distribution: National (Count)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Egress Caller Distribution: National (Volume)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution for national calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)
Egress Caller Distribution: National vs International (Count)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on number of calls.PieProportion (%)
Egress Caller Distribution: National vs International (Volume)This chart illustrates the calling party number distribution between national and international calls. Calculation is based on volume.PieProportion (%)